Thursday, January 20, 2005

Lick my fucking nuts.

Telesales. The bane of everyone who picks up a ringing phone to be greeted by the dulcet tones of a barely trained monkey reading from their copy of the Sell-these-people-this-shit script.
I got one of these bastards today while I was at work today. I picked up the phone to be greeted by some fuckwitted moron with a cheeky-chirpy-chappy voice that sounded as genuine as pResident Bush's inauguration speech.
"Congratulations sir," It whined, "can I confirm that your number is 0131 443 5847"
"Correct" I said.
"Then it is my pleasure to inform you that you have won a grand prize draw to win a new car. All you need to do is give me a credit card number so we can transfer ownership to you." It continued.
"Do you realize that this is a police station you have dialed?" I said, having sussed it was an attempt at a scam.

And that was the end of that.

I'd recommend this tactic to you all. Works every time.

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